Monday, July 7, 2008

burn baby bird

Everybody knows the Kims have no love for dogs - unless they come in a pot covered in spicy sauce. In fact, some of the abuse of animals I've witnessed here could probably convince the PETA to sell yellowcake to Pyonyang (and you Know PETA is hoarding yellow cake). But did you know about their secret vendetta against doves? It's true, check this out: the picture above is from the 1988 summer Olympics. If you look carefully you can see a dove on the left about to meat its doom in that monster-truck-sized torch. Apparently it was traditional to release a flock of doves into the air to start the Olympics, as a symbol of international peace. The practice was discontinued after 68 years when the Kims built a torch so friggin huge it roasted some of the poor buggers before they could think to fly away.
Hmmm, I wonder what that giant torch could be compensating for?
Actually the entire 1988 Olympics was one flaming ironic Ferrari for South Korean dictator Chun Doo Hwan, who attempted to use the games to placate his people's demands for democracy.

"No votes for you, but check out this monster torch"!
Care for some crispy dove with that?

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