Thursday, April 17, 2008

Crown Royal??

Ok, I know this is a Korea blog, but now and then I'll be obliged to vent my frustrations with the US political process. 'Caus no matter how infuriating Korea is, the inanity of my homeland is still a major reason I left it.

Now I'm sure all our US readers are familiar with Obama's poorly chosen, albeit entirely accurate, remarks about poor folks in America. In response Hilary went out and had some beers and a shot to try to pretend she was human.

Who buys that crap? Not only is she clearly from a far more "elite" background than Obama (not that it should matter - before W we used to expect our President to belong to some kind of elite), but the shot she took was CROWN ROYAL scotch! Who the hell drinks crown royal in a Pennsylvania coal mining town?

Somebody please give that android poser a shot of Old Crow!


bbrg said...

As a native Kentuckian, I couldn't agree more.

Nice blog. I'm tempted to start detailing the details of the absurdity of life in Italy without the nuturing Bologna Center.

--The Tank

Wexford Sunshine said...

you live in italy now? you bastard! i will tolerate no negative comments about italy on this blog. italy is perfect in every way. now if you'll excuse me, it's time for my 5 hour nap