Friday, April 25, 2008

Fun Facts about Korea

Just a quick thought while I’m stuck here at work in my little cube with one co-worker in the cubby next to me with his feet propped up on the desk reading the bible and another one behind me snoring so loud that I’ve had to crank up the volume on my headphones: I wonder if these people are at all resentful of living in a society in which you’re pretty much required to stay at work until your boss leaves for the day? I’m resentful of feeling guilty about leaving when my work day is actually supposed to end, abandoning my co-workers to their fate of hours more of pointless face-time.

Here’s a fun Korea fact: last year’s OECD Fact Book ranked Korea first for number of hours worked annually, with each person working an average of 2,357 hours. As a point of reference, the average for the other 29 OECD members was 1,777 hours per person annually. One last fun fact: Korea ranked 23 out of the 30 OECD countries for productivity. Wow, that’s a lot of napping!
It’s 5 pm, and I’m going home.

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